An Attitude of Gratitude Saying Yes When God Calls

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When I started writing this blog almost 3 years ago I asked God to help me be more accountable to daily scripture reading and devotion.  I thought blogging about my daily experiences about food for the body and the soul would keep me on track spiritually while creating tasty meals for my family.

What I learned about myself is that sharing recipes and cooking experience is far easier than sharing my faith walk.  I have sprinkled that faith walk throughout my writing but it appears to me to be more like a fluffy topping than the meat of the day.

Over these past years I have come to know that God is far more interested in the state of my heart than in what’s cooking on the stove or warming my belly.  Don’t get me wrong, I still believe there is room for body and soul food within my day and on this blog, but I have come to understand that sharing my faith walk is equally, if not more important than the day’s recipe.

As I have written before, Community Bible Study has played a huge part in my scriptural learning curve.  The mission of CBS is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in our communities – through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.

I am one of those disciples of Jesus Christ and I have been blessed in so many ways since studying the scriptures in-depth.

I am telling you all this to share with you a calling I received this past summer and the commitment that followed.  Community Bible Study classes are led by a handful of men and women called The Servants Team.  Modeled after Jesus, the role of CBS leadership is not only to teach and facilitate study of the Word of God but also, and equally important, to shepherd the people studying His word.  The shepherding is what truly sets CBS apart from other Bible studies.

The Servants Team for each class includes the Teaching Director, Associate Teaching Director, Coordinator, Children’s Director, and Prayer Chairman.  The people called to these positions accept them only after prayerful consideration.

Last June, after seeking God’s direction, the Shelbyville Tennessee Servants Team tapped me to fill their Associate Teaching Director’s position.  I was absolutely stunned when the Teaching Director came and asked me to consider this position within the class.  After my surprise subsided my emotions took over.  All I could think was “I can’t teach.”  I can’t … I can’t … I can’t.

You have probably heard the saying that “God doesn’t call the equipped but He equips the called.”  I’ve heard it and have even spouted it off when talking about someone else.  However, I did agree to pray about the calling.  I would talk with my family.  The Teaching Director reminded me that positions within the organization are only filled after much prayer.  Many people within CBS had prayed about the  Associate Teaching Director opening.  I was their choice.

So I did what any good, mature Christian would do …  I started making a list of all the reasons why I couldn’t possibly be the one they were looking for!  🙂
Then I prayed.  And prayed. And prayed.

God answered my prayer through my family.  My mom was enthusiastically supportive and thrilled that I was asked to become the Associate Teaching Director.  My husband, who I thought would be a hard sell, sat with me in prayer and gave me his total support.  He brainstormed with me some really great ideas how to lighten my load to give me the time I would be need to dedicate myself to do this work.

God answered my prayer by giving me a total peace about accepting the position and through my family’s support.  Since that day I haven’t been the same.  Oh, I look the same on the outside but inside my heart is being transformed and taking on an entirely new look.  I hadn’t mentioned this to you before because technically I was not the ATD until I had been through national training.  I completed that training recently and am now official!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for many things, starting with my family and friends and ending with the many blessings they bring to my life.  But I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to study the Word of God, fellowship and share with others who are also interested in studying His word, and for the opportunity Community Bible Study has given me to be a part of this tremendous ministry.

Have you answered a call or made a commitment this year that has taken you out of your comfort zone, only to shower you with untold blessings?  I would love to hear from you.

Happy Thanksgiving,


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2 thoughts on “An Attitude of Gratitude Saying Yes When God Calls”

  1. Catherine, I think I have shared with you that you NEVER tell God that you can’t do it, don’t want to do it, are afraid to do it, aren’t qualified to do it, etc. If He has chosen you to do it, He will show you how and be with you in the process. I’m excited for you and the things that are happening in your life. Always continue to pray as sometimes things seem to be important (and they are) but they aren’t what God is calling you to do. Love you, Sister in Christ.


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