Beef Puff Pastry Pot Pie

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After trying this yummy recipe you just may love puff pastry too (if you don’t already).  My sous-chef dish-washing mom is visiting her sister-in-law and has been gone for the past two weeks. Besides missing her terribly, I do miss her in the kitchen 🙂  While she’s been gone I made this beef pot pie. It all started with a steak on the grill.  When I buy steaks I put 3 of them in a seal-a-meal package and into the freezer.  With mom gone visiting I had a one steak too many.  Sorry mom, I know you would have LOVED this!  I grilled the extra steak and then turned it into a lovely beef pot pie.  Wish you were here, mom. Can’t wait for you to come home.

Leftover roast beef or steak of any kind works perfectly in a pot pie.  If you haven’t any leftovers, cooking some beef stew meat is a quick and easy replacement. Pot pies are an ultimate fall season food for me. The weather is cool enough to crank up the oven and bake!  The flavor of red wine melds just perfectly with beef.  Red cooking wine works okay but your husband’s “good stuff” is really what will make this pot pie outstanding! Onions, potatoes, broccoli, mixed vegetables of any kind and any other favorite veggie creates an amazing color palette and as well as an amazing taste on your palate!  Isn’t this pretty?  Does it make you think of fall?

Just when you think this can’t get any better, the puff pastry comes to life.  I buy Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry and this recipe uses just one sheet.  I divided it in two and carefully stretched it across the pot pies, leaving a little extra around the edges.  I had a few extra pieces left over and I used a little cookie cutter and just placed them on top.  An egg wash really browns up the pastry as it cooks.
Without my dish-washing mom, any entrée I can make and eat out of the same dish is a winner.  Did I mention — please hurry home mom!  🙂

VIEW and PRINT the entire recipe from my Tasty Kitchen Recipe Box.

~Blessings, Catherine
“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”
Psalm 105:4

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