Yesterday, my friend Gaye Hughes wrote an inspiring
My faith in Jesus Christ would be meaningless if it was only about his virgin birth and the miracles he did while on earth. What makes this faith worth living is that Sunday’s coming! The grave could not hold Jesus Christ! Tomorrow, along with millions of other believers I will celebrate the risen Christ.
God’s own words given to us in the Bible say it best:
“Then God released him from the horrors of death and brought him back to life again, for death could not keep this man within its grip.”
Acts 2:24 TLB
What makes Easter worthy of celebrating for the last two thousand years is acknowledging that Christ rose from the grave, ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. In doing so this gave all of Mankind the hope and promise we have as Believers that this life on earth isn’t all there is. Our hearts are hard-wired to want to be with our Creator. Through the risen Christ we are given the opportunity for eternal life.
My friend and author, Mary Jane Miller, wrote an exceptional blog post that is worth every minute of the time it takes to read it. What’s the Point of Easter? Mary Jane asks, “Are your eggs in your basket or still on the lawn?” She has an incredible gift of sharing The Word of God through analogies that are easy to understand and fun to read!
Physically and emotionally Easter in the springtime helps me reset my thinking and my attitude. It helps me see that the world is not gray, dark, and dead at all. But underneath the layers of dried grass, piles of muddy snow, or buckets of rain there is new life!
I will spend a little time in the kitchen today. My happy place!
Tomorrow, my Sous-chef Dish-washing Mom, my faithful Christ-following husband and me will attend Easter service — also my happy place!
Thank you for being a part of My Daily Bread Body and Soul. May you find peace and joy this weekend in the newness of life brought forth by spring and the gift of eternal life given to us by Jesus’ resurrection!
Christ Has Risen! Happy Easter,
~Blessings, Catherine
Christ has risen indeed! Easter blessings to you Lee and Alice.
Love your Easter message, will forward to family and friends.
He is Risen, PTL