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The Priority of Hungering and Seeking for God With All Your Heart
Below you will find links to some of my favorite verses about seeking God.  Just click on the link and you will be able to read the verse.  Blessings.
Psalm 27: 4     One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek…
Psalm 27: 8-9  My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” ….
Psalm 34: 9-10  Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who …
Psalm 42:1-2  As the deer pants for streams of water …
Psalm 62:8  Trust in him at all times, O people, ….

I have had company since last week!  Our friends Kathy and Phyllis drove up from Florida and we had such a fun filled time!  I always have good intentions of blogging each day, but it is good when life is just too full!  🙂  When I first moved to Tennessee, a new acquaintance, Edna Lee, gave me this grape salad recipe.  She told me that it sounds like a “crazy” mix of ingredients but whenever she makes it everyone raves about it.  I saw Edna Lee and her husband Andy at the Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration last Friday night.  I let her know we are still serving her wonderful grape salad!We decided to make it to include for a luncheon when our Florida friends arrived. 
It is a crazy mix of ingredients but when it was all said and done, my husband was licking the last of it from the dish — that is usually a good sign it is a keeper recipe!
Ah! One more thing … I heard from my niece Alesa that she made the Chicken Carbonara recipe for her new husband Ty.  Click HERE for that sweet picture!
3 lbs. red grapes, wash and dry
8 oz. cream cheese
8 oz. sour cream
¼ cup confectioner’s sugar
DIRECTIONS:Mix above ingredients together and place in 9”x13” pan.

¾ cup brown sugar
¾ cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Sprinkle the sugar and nut mixture over the grape mixture.  Cover overnight.

🙂  Salad or side dish, make it once and it will become a favorite again and again!

*  Grapes can be sliced in half or left whole.  If you slice them in half, the juice weeps slightly, but I find this okay.  If you have small grapes you can leave them whole.

A grape is a non-climacteric fruit, specifically a berry, that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus Vitis. Grapes can be eaten raw or they can be used for making jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, molasses and grape seed oil. Grapes are also used in some kinds of confectionery. Grapes are typically an ellipsoid shape resembling a prolate spheroid.

The domestication of purple grapes originated in Central Asia (Ancient Persia).[1] Yeast, one of the earliest domesticated microorganisms, occurs naturally on the skins of grapes, leading to the innovation of alcoholic drinks such as wine. First traces of red wine is seen in ancient Persia in Armenia. Shiraz red wine is known After Shiraz a city in Persia were the grape was used. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple grapes, and history attests to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans growing purple grapes for both eating and wine production. Later, the growing of grapes spread to Europe, North Africa, and eventually North America.

Native purple grapes belonging to the Vitis genus proliferated in the wild across North America, and were a part of the diet of many North American Native Americans, but were considered by European colonists to be unsuitable for wine. The first Old World Vitis vinifera purple grapes were cultivated in California.

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