Going To My Happy Place

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window viewMy Refuge and My Fortress
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

For as long as I can remember my husband will occasionally remark “I’m going to my happy place.”  I’ve never asked specifically where that is and I believe it has changed over the years.  In our career days I think his happy place was somewhere he didn’t have to talk to people, solve problems, or respond to an emergency.  Sometimes it was a mental place, like vegging in front of the TV and sometimes it was a physical place like a long run.  Today when he says that I know it means he is headed to his “shop.”   He is leaving the estrogen jungle he lives in and is going for some peace and quiet!

wheat grinder LeeIn his happy place he tinkers, naps, exercises, and fixes a variety of kitchen appliances that I have broken.

SONY DSCThe other day I was right here in the middle of this kitchen mess.  I was finishing one meal and getting ready to start cooking for another.   I was home for the day.  No appointments, no where I had to be.  I looked around me and thought, “I am so happy here.”  I started thinking about my happy place.  I concluded that my soul is content and my heart sings in two places in particular.  This messy kitchen is one.

IMG_1705This messy workroom is the other.  While both of these places have “messy” in common, they are not always messy.  But when I am happiest, most content, they are messy.

I realize that I don’t get to the kitchen as often as I use to.  I love cooking, baking, and creating food for my family and friends.  But I also have found a space of peace and comfort when I am in this little workroom.  This is where I read my Bible, study my lesson for Community Bible School, Sunday School, or our Tuesday night small group.  (Which now we are reading and studying Pilgrim’s Progress!)

I call it my “work room” for lack of a better term. It was a guest bedroom until my Chief carpenter filled it with cabinets, hooks, organizational bins and a “work table” for me.  It isn’t an office, it is more than that.  It is a little sanctuary. When I close the door I shut out the world and move into the world my soul longs for.  It is where I spend time talking, listening, and enjoying fellowship with God.  It is my happy place.

Where is your happy place?  Do you go there often?

Happy, happy!



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2 thoughts on “Going To My Happy Place”

  1. Dear Cathy;
    It was very uplifting to read your comments. I am also looking forward to trying the sausage casserole. Hope your New Year is going well. Wish us a healthy year. In addition, your mum’s Christmas card returned. It stated she had moved. Please send me her recent address.


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