My First Bloggin’ Year In Pictures

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Walk Through The Bible In One Year
Week 20 reading plan Nehemiah 8 through Job 13
Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.
Monday Nehemiah 8 -10, Tues Nehemiah 11-13,
Wed Esther 1-5, Thursday Esther 6-10,
Friday Job 1-5,
Saturday Job 6-9,
Sunday Job 10-13
Blessings as you read!

Note to self: Folding chairs by their very nature FOLD! Do not use as a ladder.  A few bruises, a bruised psyche (how stupid am I?) but nothing broken. Thank Heavens!  Remember how I told you we were creating a guest room out of a little “cabin” we have on our property? The couple that originally built our house, built this one-room cabin first so they could stay in it while they built the house.  It was rustic but functional.

It eventually became a store room for them. I used it as a “craft room” which really was more like a store room.

I painted more than I cooked. I caulked more than baked. I stained woodwork.

It is finished. My brother and his wife were the first guests to stay in the newly refurbished cabin.  I thought you might be interested in some before and after pictures.

To finish my blogaversary celebration I hope you will enjoy this post I have put together with pictures from recipes through the year. Recipes can be found under my RECIPES tab and also under the PICTURE THIS tab.

Don’t forget …. we have just until Sunday evening, June 17th at midnight for the cookbook giveaway. Here is how you can register if you haven’t already:

Giveaway Details

One (1) winner will receive the following cookbook from me.

How to Enter

To enter to win simply leave a comment on today’s blog post or any new post between today and June 17, 2012.  Drawing will be held June 18, 2012.

Additional (Optional) Entries

To up your chances of winning, you can receive up to THREE additional entries to win by doing the following (these are optional, not required):

1. Subscribe to My Daily Bread Body and Soul by either RSS or email. Come back and let me know you’ve subscribed in an additional comment.

2. Become a fan of  My Daily Bread  Body and Soul, Pray Cook Blog on Facebook.. Come back and let me know you became a fan in an additional comment.

3. Follow My Daily Bread Body and Soul on Pinterest. Come back and let me know you’ve followed in an additional comment.

The Fine Print

Deadline: Sunday, June 17,  2012 at 11:59pm EST.

Winner: A winner will be chosen at random using and announced at the top of this post. The winner will also be notified via email; if the winner does not respond within 48 hours, another winner will be selected.


Even I am amazed with these pictures … they are only a fraction of what I shot 🙂

Many Blessings and Happy Cooking!

~ Catherine

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7 thoughts on “My First Bloggin’ Year In Pictures”

  1. Congrats on your one year blogiversary. I think my own list would be like an eight of yours but I am getting there, especially as I am determined to cook more meals from scratch these days.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with us.

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