Weekend RoundUP July 13 and Summer In The South


I love wearing blue jeans.  I adore the look, the feel, and that they change shape with me during the day 🙂 Actually, blue, black, gray, khaki, you name the color I just love wearing jeans.  The older the better.  Slipping into a soft, worn pair of jeans gives me a comfort that lasts throughout the day.  Between the heat, the humidity, and my inner child playing with fire, I put away my beloved blue jeans about the end of March and they hang idle in my closet until October.  Except for yesterday.  Middle of July means middle of summer. Half-way between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  And right here smack dab in the middle of the summer heat and humidity we receive a gift of cool temperatures and rain.  Yesterday our high was about 75 degrees and we had a gentle rain throughout the day that sprinkled us with about an inch of much-needed rain.  I pulled on a sweet pair of blue jeans and a tee-shirt and all the world felt at peace as I listened to the gentle song of the rain from my front porch.
As drought has plagued us this entire spring and summer, my Chief Culinary Consultant and main-man gardener has watered the vegetable garden every day for over a month! Watering is something we most generally don’t need to do in this part of the south.  It certainly adds another layer to growing a garden.  I thank you Lord for this little reprieve that has quenched my thirst for rain in body and spirit.

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