At 98 her strength is growing weak and her eyesight is fading. It is getting more difficult for her to read her Bible. Being so many miles away from her mother, Joan’s prayer is understandable. If only someone was willing to read scripture to her mother each morning and pray with her. Joan knows this will make a difference in her mother’s quality of life.
This morning when Joan woke up the message the Lord laid on her heart was clear. You do it. You, Joan, call her, read to her and pray with her. The answer was clear and concise and my friend immediately went to the phone and shared with her mother.
She told her, “Mother when I was too young to read the Bible on my own you read to me. Now it is my turn to share the Word with you.” With a Bible in their lap, many miles between them, this mother and daughter shared scripture and prayer.
I said to Joan, “Wow! You are the answer to your own prayer!” Joan replied, “I think the Lord does that quite often!” We both laughed and agreed. What a precious time Joan will have with her mother each morning, reading scripture and praying across the miles.
My own thoughts have turned to a time the Lord said to me, “you do it.” My sous-chef dish-washing mom had lost her husband. She was living many miles away from either of my brothers and 1200 miles and a time zone away from me.
Mom had to have some minor surgery. She would be back home the same day. But she would be coming home to an empty house. She was surrounded by friends who were happy to drive her to and from. But I didn’t like it. It didn’t feel right to me.
I began to fervently pray for someone who could take care of mom like I wanted her cared for. I prayed and prayed. It was Monday morning, December 11, 2006. I woke up early and quietly slipped out of the bedroom I shared with my husband. I sat in a big chair with a Bible in my lap. I didn’t open the Bible. I just sat there. And the Lord said, “you do it.” It was on my heart and in my mind like a bolt of lightning. YOU do it.
I am the answer to my own prayer! My mind started racing and the logistics of “me doing it” just started tumbling out of my heart faster than I could think. It was too late for me to take mom for that day surgery. But it wasn’t too late for the future.
That was 9 years ago and it feels like yesterday. I have instant recall of the feeling I got when the Lord said “you do it.” Today I am blessed to be the one to stand beside her, drive the car, and take her here and there. Bumpy roads are smoothed and tough decisions are easier when the Lord lays the path before you.
What prayer are you the answer to?
Please comment and share if you feel comfortable doing so. I’d love to hear from you.
God Bless,
You are truly blessed to have your Mom with you. I lost mine at age 10 and then my aunt that finished raising me when I was 27. There really is no explaining the depth of love a mother has for her child. Now my daughter (age 34) having 2 children finally gets it! She is my blessing and she says I am hers. Imagine that. God is really good.
Marky, thank you for sharing your story. What a blessing to have such a relationship with your daughter. Yes, God is really good. God Bless you!
I am so blessed to have this beautiful daughter to care for me and a son in law who allows her to do this. I can’t imagine my life without them. I pray that each person reading this blog has someone to care for them if they need it. God bless you Catherine!
We are the lucky ones! I mean … who eats out every Sunday? 🙂 I love you!
These are such sweet stories and so timely for me. My mom just had surgery and I’m having to make some decisions I don’t want to make. Thank you for sharing <3
Terri, I am remembering you and your mother in my prayers.