Woo-Hoo From The WHOot!

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baked stuffed chicken breasts
Seventy-one days after my last blog post on July 22 I signed on to the administrative part of my blog.  I had 46 comments sent in during that time. I began working through the ones that were spam and needed deleted and the ones that were genuine and deserved a reply.

That is when I noticed my little graph that tells me how many page views are on my blog each day. Google explains a page view like this:  A page view is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. The page views metric is the total number of pages viewed; repeated views of a single page are also counted.

Okay, that is the technical mumbo-jumbo.  But to me, it simply means a number that tells me each time someone looks at my blog.  It doesn’t tell me who, or how long they spent, or what they thought.  It simply says they were here.

Why does this matter?  If I were building a business from this website it might matter because the more views the more clicks through to paid advertising.  But I didn’t start this site to build a business.  I began this site to share my love for food, my desire to cook for my family, and my love for Christ, via sharing scripture and my life experience. Even though this isn’t a business, the more page views the blog receives the more opportunities I have to share.

This blog typically receives between 100 and 200 page views per day. But when “the numbers” tell me that on August 20 my blog received 692 page views I got excited.  What happened on August 19 or 20 that created so much interest in this page?


The WHOot.com  — that is what happened. And here is what they got excited about:

stuffed chicken bacon wrap bacon wrap stuffed chicken single

I totally agree that these Cream Cheese Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breasts are fantastic but after I posted it on November 11, 2013 I kinda put the recipe away and moved on.  However, the beauty of owning a website is that the information posted stays on … well, forever.  That may be good news-bad news depending on what you post.  But in this case it is GREAT news!

My first reaction to seeing 692 page views is an over-whelming sense of gratitude to God.  Why? Because in the midst of a frantic summer and struggling with day-to-day appointments for my sous-chef dish-washing mom I neglected my website.  I didn’t have the time or inclination to write.  I didn’t have the strength to tell you what I was cooking.  I didn’t want to even turn on my computer.  But you see, the Lord knows how much of myself I have put in to praying, cooking, and blogging.  And when I couldn’t care, He took care of it for me.

Some how, editors at www.theWHOot.com, an Australian based website, saw my bacon wrapped chicken breasts and featured them on their website and I am still receiving daily page views because of it.

You can say this is just a coincidence, but to me this feels like a great big ‘ol bear-hug from God!  I can feel His warmth around me as He smiles and says “I’ve got this.”

Christian Author Jon Walker says it this way,  “If you understand that any blessing comes from God, then you can be grateful to him as well as the people he sends to bless you. Our ability to see God’s hand in the blessings we receive deepens our faith because we not only see him active in our circumstances; we also see him providing for our needs.”

Next blog post I will tell you why August 20 is important in my God-story.  In the meantime, try out these chicken breasts for dinner. I’m going to make them again this week just to celebrate GOD!

Blessings, Catherine

Thank you Lord for keeping me in your care.  Thank you for taking care of things that are important to me when I can’t do it for myself.  Thank you Lord for caring about me.

“Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren’t you worth much more than birds?” (Matthew 6:26)



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2 thoughts on “Woo-Hoo From The WHOot!”

  1. I am so very glad that we ‘met’ over a black bag of lost jewelry. Your blog site is a blessing! Please greet your mom from me as well!

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