Her words have resonated with me through the years and I have come to fully believe and understand the truth of never fearing change when the Lord is with me.
Just the other day a friend reminded me that often times we must let go and lay down that which we hold tightly in our hand in order for the Lord to fill us with a new blessing. It was the “letting go” that was so hard as I blogged a “final post.” I suggested that if you had favorite recipes from Pray Cook Blog that you may want to print them or download them because the first of July this website was going to the cyberspace dumpster.
STOP! Don’t hit that delete button! I am thrilled to write this quick note to let you know you don’t have to frantically copy off the recipes. You don’t have to worry about finding the Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast recipe or Southern Living’s Skillet Apple Pie recipe or any of the hundreds of other recipes on Pray Cook Blog because they are NOT going anywhere!
However, you are going to have to be patient for just a little while to find out … the rest of the story!
Stay tuned and God Bless,