Dear Heavenly Father,
Your word repeatedly reminds us to “fear not” and yet just the word cancer causes us to fear. I pray for your mercy to calm our fears and your grace that is sufficient. I pray Lord that even as your servant David was fearful for his life in Psalm 56 he sets his vision on you, his Lord and Savior, putting his trust in you. I pray Lord may we do the same and look to you continually as we seek your strength in our weakness. And when we feel too weak to do otherwise, we simply say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Love My Enemies
My Heavenly Father, you are such an awesome God. Thank you dear Lord, for the lessons you are teaching me through the study of scripture. Lord, I do believe that all scripture is breathed out by you. As I read your Word my heart hears your voice. I can always pray for those I love and care about. But your Word tells me to love my enemies, care about those who do not care about me back. Father, I pray the Holy Spirit will show me how to forgive others, even those who have harmed me. How to love one another as you would have me to do. Thank you for the extreme example I have in forgiving, even as Jesus Christ has forgiven me. As I move through this day may I look to you for guidance, direction, and even correction. In Jesus Precious and Holy Name. Amen.
Please pray for my daughter Sheila McLean. She just found out this pass Friday that she has a mass, the size of a quarter, in her lung and a spot on the kidney, and they both are malignant
Dear Judy,
I am so sorry to hear about Sheila’s struggles. You are both now on my prayer list. I have only just gone through a scare with my mammogram and know only too well how our world can be turned upside down with cancer. My own report came back benign and my mother is now 2 years post-breast-cancer. I have read that God’s Word to us says “fear not” 365 in the Bible. Might that be a fear not for every day of the year because He knows we fear? My prayer is for Sheila to find strength in the Lord when she feels weak and to trust Him for He is still in the healing business and the miracle business!
God Bless you and your family,
Blessings, Catherine
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10