Feeling Blessed

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Early Morning Kitchen Activities
Early Morning Kitchen Activities

This morning I woke up early and headed to the kitchen. All week I have tried to get time to cook up the last of the fall apples. Now was the moment.  I sliced and chunked apples into a big pot, added a splash of apple cider and let them simmer.
Granny smith apples sinkWhile the simmering apples filled the house with the fragrances of fall, cinnamon, apples, and cider I decided to clean out the refrigerator.  That set me on the path of piling up a variety of dishes from leftovers pass their prime.

I stopped and wrote a quick note to my sous-chef dish-washing mom.  “Fresh applesauce for breakfast.” I slipped it under her living room door.  When she wakes up and makes her way to her sunroom for breakfast she will step on my note.

Homemade Chunky Applesauce
Homemade Chunky Applesauce

True to form she sleepily made her way to the kitchen and said “fresh applesauce?  How wonderful!”  That is when she looked at my messy kitchen and said, “leave the dishes I’ll be back to take care of them.”  Yep, that is what she said and that is what she did. 🙂

Feeling blessed.  There were even a  few more dishes by the time she arrived back in the kitchen!  I decided to make one of my favorite casseroles, Chicken Cordon Bleu for tonight’s dinner.  During the day, the flavors began to meld and dinner was fantastic!

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole

What a blessing to share the day’s work with mom. She is always so willing and helpful.  It is my hope that your weekend includes time with family or loved ones and the feeling of being blessed!

Luke 6:38

Have a blessed weekend,

autumn leaves upclose

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