My Amazon Connection

Links below will be affiliate links when possible. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Bringing the Story to Life
Week 7 reading plan per day:

Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.

Monday (Numbers 1-4
Tuesday (Numbers 5-6)
Wednesday (Numbers 7)
Thursday (Numbers 8-10)
Friday (Numbers 11-13)
Saturday (Numbers 14-15)

unday (Numbers 16-17)

James 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shifting shadow.

Spring has sprung,
the grass has riz,
I wonder where the birdies is?

Is it spring where you live? We are having 80 degree days this week while “sunny” California is in a winter storm advisory! I am not complaining, but this does seem a little messed up!  I love spring for all the typical reasons of new growth, the circle of life moving ahead a season, and a especially a time for new beginnings.  It is with the enthusiasm of a new beginning that I tell you about my newest addition to my blog.  If you have spent any time at all moving around the home page recently you will notice a new tab titled SHOP.  After I joined the on-line baking group called Tuesdays With Dorie I noticed that some of the other bakers were able to share Dorie Greenspan’s Baking With Julia cookbook with a link to Amazon in case any of their readers wanted to purchase the book. I love the book so much I also wanted to provide a link to make it easy for you to purchase.  In my investigation of how to make this happen, I learned that I could provide a link to that book or to anything on Amazon!  Fast forward a couple weeks and you will find that not only am I now an Amazon Affiliate, but I am including a store on my website filled with some of my favorite things.  I have also included a couple links on my home page that will direct you to Amazon to shop!

For now, I am starting with four categories of items that are some of my favorite things that you might be interested in.

Cookbooks such as this gem.

Christian Books and Bibles like this: (one of my favorite studies!)

Gift Cards — they are a no brainer.
Give ’em what they want … and they are the ones who know what they want — a gift card!!!

And am I the only one who spends time surfing through Amazon looking at the amazing kitchen products and gadgets?    I think not.
My friend Sue told me I must have a microplaner.  I couldn’t imagine what I would do with it … but Sue has been leading me around the kitchen for more than 30 years, so who am I to argue, I ask  you? So, I buy a microplaner.  My husband says “what are you going to do with that?”  I said, “Ask Sue! :)”  I use this thing ALL the time.  I zest oranges, lemons, limes, nutmeg, onions, oh ya, using this on an onion makes an onion paste that is incredible in cooking when you want fresh onion flavor but no chunks.  Okay, you get the picture!

Bottom line, if you are going to make a purchase through Amazon, I would appreciate it if you would use a link on my website to take you to Amazon.  Amazon requires that you set up an account with them (you probably already have one) and my blog will simply be a link to them.  You will still surf through their bazillions of items and check out just like usual.  And finally, I welcome any comments you have about your favorite cookbooks, a new book you have read, or a kitchen gadget you just love!  Whe n I told my mom I put a link on my blog to Amazon, she immediately clicked on my Amazon store tab (SHOP) and ordered a Cuisipro Cupcake Corer!  Aren’t moms just great like that?!! 🙂  Stay tuned,  I plan to put this cupcake corer to use with some awesome Sourcream Coconut Cupcakes for Easter!

Many Blessings, Happy Cooking and Happy Shopping!

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