Say YES To A Family Reunion and Roasted Sliced Cabbage

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roast cabbage
Have I told you how wonderful it is to have a family reunion?  No?  Well, let me tell you …

When I was growing up in the 1950’s-60’s-and 70’s my father’s family held a family reunion every summer, usually in the city park either in Friend, Seward,  or Beaver Crossing, Nebraska.  My grandparents had 6 children and 23 grandchildren and for the most part we would all gather for a day long family reunion and food-fest! If you ask any of my cousins I believe you will hear those reunions provided some of our best childhood memories!

During the 1980’s and 1990’s my brothers and I were raising families but we lived in 3 different states, sometimes thousands of miles apart. Family reunions were not part of my children’s childhood memories.  In 2008 my sous chef dish-washing mom decided to host a family reunion that has changed the relationships within our family forever.

Family Photo Alliance 2008
2008 Alliance, Nebraska

Our first reunion was held at mom’s house. Some family members stayed at the house others at the local Holiday Inn Express.  The backyard became the gathering place for eating meals, playing cards, watching the kids play and a fun time batting around a pinata! My brothers and I saw our children (now mostly adults) bonding and quickly forming friendships that often times take years to make.  The “little kids” had a blast playing and the “big kids” had a blast getting to know one another as more than just cousins.

For my mother, she spent time with her grandchildren that left them all with memories they will cherish for life!

Sylvan Dale Ranch 2010
Sylvan Dale Ranch 2010

Every two years since 2008 my mom has hosted a family reunion.  We have gone to Sylvan Dale Ranch in Colorado, Moors Resort at Kentucky Lake, Kentucky and most recently at Fort Robinson, Crawford, Nebraska.  Our family travels from 7 different states to attend the reunion.  It takes quite a commitment in time and resources to make it happen.  While we are blessed to be able to meet in different locations, the important part in reunion planning is just to do it — the site is secondary to just being together!

Moors Resort 2012
Moors Resort 2012

Each reunion our family has grown by a baby or two and we have added three new grandson-in-laws!  It takes exactly 2 seconds for family to fall right back into a playful, happy, fantastic-to-see-you mode!  The first second is to smile and the second to hug.  From there it is fun, laughs, and lots of food!

Fort Robinson Nebraska 2014

Each family is responsible for one meal.  We are a family of great cooks and we all take pride in sharing our best efforts with the rest of the family.  We have had some “cooking disasters” that are now family legend providing good laughs each year!

sliced cabbage
And since we love to “talk food” the reunion is known for a place to gather new recipes and get cooking tips from each other.  It is during one such meal my sister-in-law Jeanne asked me if I had roasted sliced cabbage.  Say what?  “We love cabbage” I told her.  She said sliced cabbage is crazy easy and unbelievably delicious.  Easy and delicious – I’m all in!

The first week home from the reunion I roasted these cabbage slices and my sous chef dish-washing mom and the Chief both went crazy over these!

Raosted sliced cabbage
Here is how it’s done:  slice cabbage, drizzle with oil, season, roast at 400 degrees for about 25 to 35 minutes.  Done.

Turns out I am behind the foodie-times because this recipe is all over the internet!  But I credit my sister-in-law Jeanne for sharing with me. Olive oil, coconut oil, or even pecan oil (which is what I used) works well.  The seasoning can be as simple as salt and pepper or as elaborate as a Greek seasoning or your favorite veggie seasoning.

My recommendation – plan a family reunion today. Don’t wait until everyone is available. Don’t wait until it is convenient.  Don’t wait … just do it!  I promise it will be one of the best decisions you will make this year!  Include roasted cabbage in your special meal.  You will be thankful for both!

Happy Cooking and Planning!
Blessings, Catherine

Roasted Sliced Cabbage
Crazy easy and super delicious! A fantastic way to enjoy cabbage.
  • 1 head cabbage
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons oil*
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of favorite herbs like basil, caraway seeds, dill, etc.
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Slice the cabbage starting at the top of the head so that the inner pieces for circles within the slices, should get about 4 or 5½" pieces per head of cabbage.
  3. Oil a baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of the oil. Place the cabbage on the baking sheet and drizzle with the remaining oil. You may need to melt it if using a solid oil like coconut oil.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and place in the oven. *additional seasoning optional.
  5. Roast for 35-40 minutes or until tender in the middle and sides are nicely browned.
  6. Remove and serve.
* Can use olive oil, coconut oil, pecan oil or your favorite.

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