Weekend Round Up February 24

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Walking Through the Bible in One Year —
Bringing the Story to Life
Week 4 reading plan per day:
Monday (Exodus 13-15) Tuesday (Ex. 16-18)
Wednesday (Ex. 19-21) Thursday (Exodus 22-24)
Friday (Ex. 25-27) Saturday (Ex. 28-29)
Sunday (Ex. 30-32)

End of the week, almost the end of the month! Wow! Honestly, where does the time go?  Pray. Cook. Blog.  Yep, that’s where a bunch of my time goes!  However, today I was a guest teacher at a home school co-op. Every Friday about 200 home schooled children meet for a variety of classes in a nearby town.  This semester, my friend Kathy is teaching a cooking class for 15 boys and girls 2nd through 5th grade.  Today was my second time to guest teach — and it is a blast!  Second through fifth graders are a great age to have in the kitchen.  They are still so sweet and enthusiastic to learn!  My first recipe to share with them came from the ladies at Our Best Bites. The class and I made Sweet and Savory Tortilla Snowflakes.   The kids absolutely loved cutting AND eating their snowflakes!  Today we went another direction and made Pimento Cheese Sandwiches!  Although pimento cheese spread is typically thought to be a “southern thing” only a couple of these Tennessee kids had even heard of pimento cheese!  Pimento cheese sandwiches may not be as popular as they once where, but they are still the #1 sought after food each year in Augusta, Georgia at the Master’s Golf Tournament 🙂  Here is a quick snap shot of one of the tables after 3 batches of cheese spread had been made and nearly all of it devoured. (Heads were cut off to protect the innocent — or perhaps the photographer didn’t know what she was doing!)

We also discovered that their teacher, Kathy, having grown up in Chicago, had never, ever even tasted a pimento cheese sandwich.  Well, she has now and the whole class cheered her own as she took her first bite! What a fun time we had!  The biggest surprise … pimento cheese is absolutely delicious on cinnamon raisin bread.  Try it, you’ll like it!

It seems that I missed National Banana Bread Day on February 23.  Who knew?  Lucky for me (and you) The Kitchenarian didn’t miss it.  Doesn’t this look like wonderful banana bread?  I think … I can smell the wonderful fragrance.  Yum.The other awesome picture and recipe I came across this week is from Scarletta Bakes.  In honor of Fat Tuesday Meagan made Banana & Bourbon Fritters.  Still honoring the banana but in the way I would love to eat them the most:  doughnuts!
From my own recipe box this week you will find a little bit of everything.  Starting the week out with this fabulous Tomato Basil Soup made creamy with none other than TOFU!  And just in case you are wondering, my mother has forgiven me for putting tofu in her soup (and not telling her.)  However, I suspect she is going to be an eagle-eye in the kitchen from here on out!

This was a Tuesdays With Dorie week and even though the Chocolate Truffle Tartlets are a distant memory, we still have the pictures to look at!  My oh my these were decadent.  Nearly 400 bakers from all around the world made these very same tartlets and posted the adventure on their respective blogs on Tuesday.  You can check out some of the other’s posts at TWD.  The book Baking With Julia by Dorie Greenspan is fast becoming one of my favorite cookbooks, and I have only just begun baking my way through it.

I finished out this week with a vegetarian rice casserole that is an absolute favorite of ours.  This is one of those keeper recipes that you just pull out from time to time to accompany fish, chicken, beef — what have you!

I am really excited about the recipes I have to share with you next week.  I hope you will find time to stop back by.  In the meantime, for those of you who are walking through the Bible with me this year … read on!

Many Blessings For A Happy Weekend!

Bon Appetite’

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