Weekend RoundUP June 30

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I truly think Sarah Young’s devotional Jesus Calling is one of the best I have ever read.  I like the idea of reading a snippet of a devotional early in the day and sometimes again during the day.  It helps me to stay focused on what is really important and let go of the not-important junk in my life.  While I am sure the publishers will not let me copy it everyday, once in a while shouldn’t hurt, so I am sharing her June 28th devotional with you today.  I thank God for inspiring Sarah to write these words that I can understand.  Blessings as you read!

TASTE AND SEE THAT I AM GOOD.  This command contains an invitation to experience My living Presence. It also contains a promise. The more you experience Me, the more convinced you become of My goodness. This knowledge is essential to your faithwalk. When adversities strike, the human instinct is to doubt My goodness. My ways are mysterious, even to those who know Me intimately. As the heavens are higher than earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than your ways and thoughts. Do not try to fathom My ways. Instead, spend time enjoying Me and experiencing My goodness. 
Psalm 34:8; Isaiah 55:8-9

As you enjoy the slide show of photos from this week’s recipes I wish you a relaxed  weekend, coolness in the heat of the day, and blessings for you and those you love.    ~Catherine




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