Weekend RoundUP September 1, 2012

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End of the week, beginning of the month!  Happy September!  Got apples?  I’ve got gallons and gallons.  A few apple recipes will be coming your way!!  You can PRINT the recipe for Autumn’s Caramel Apple Crisp from my Tasty Kitchen Recipe Box.  Yum!

I had such a good laugh this week that I just have to share. 🙂  This little post was written on Facebook by my friend Dede, from Alliance, Nebraska.  Dede and I go waaayyy back to the day we were both in nurse’s training.  Oh my … I digress.

Dede writes:

Loving the cool breez e. Was outside reading a magazine around 8… getting dark.  Front door is open.  Spot starts to bark. So I think someone is at the door. To the front door I go. It is dark. I think I see someone staring at me. I scream. Turns out it is my reflection in the glass of the door.  I shut the door. No more barking and no more screaming . 🙂

I know I said NO MORE green tomato recipes and then look what pops up across my radar?  Fried Green  Tomatoes with Mozzarella!  Now really, who can resist these?  I am on the hunt for some more green tomatoes …. hmmm, wonder where my chief culinary consultant and gardener is hiding them???  Thank you Des at Life’s Ambrosia for sharing yet another fabulous green tomato recipe!

I posted this picture of my freezer corn on Facebook.  My freezer is beginning to fill up with little packets of goodies like this frozen corn and I love it!

I haven’t actually taken time to blog about freezing corn but you can find the recipe in my Tasty Kitchen Recipe Box.  We take the corn off the cob, cook for a bit with some sugar, salt, water, and butter.  We absolutely love this corn and as the winter wears on we will begin to hoard it so it will last us until next summer 🙂 I think you will love it too!

A picture’s worth a thousand words … here are this week’s recipes!

It’s a long weekend as Labor Day approaches.  How are you saying good-bye to summer this weekend?  I do hope it will include some wonderful food –  for the body and for the soul.

~Blessings, Catherine


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