I went for a walk in Central Park this afternoon. I am staying with friends at Hephzibah House. The house is just a half a block off Central Park West. So now I can say “I went for a walk in Central Park this afternoon” and it will make perfect sense!
As I head down the street by myself it is a little overwhelming for this Nebraska girl, transplanted to the countryside of Tennessee, and now walking the city streets of Manhattan. At the corner of the block is The San Remo, an enormous building with two beautiful towers. The towers rising up from the concrete of Central Park West can be seen a great distance.
I decide that as long as I can see these towers from where I am at, I should be able to make my way back to my friend’s home. The path in the park is paved and is easy to walk on. It’s a lovely afternoon about 56° and cloudy, but the park is filled with people on bicycles, running, meandering, some hand-in-hand, and many children running and laughing and playing in the green spaces.
The sound of the horns honking and busy street traffic begins to fade as I walk deeper into the park.
Every now and again I glance over my shoulder to make sure I can see the building in the distance – my anchor to get me home.
And that’s when I start thinking about my “true anchor”. The place my heart longs for. Where is that? For the moment, those two towers are my physical anchors. But there is an anchor that’s next to my heart, an anchor that tells me spiritually where I belong and guides me through every part of my day. That anchor is none other than Jesus Christ.

I’m writing to a friend who happens to be in jail right now, and I tell her that even though she is behind bars God is with her. The Holy Spirit, our helper, He is everywhere. He is in Central Park. He is underground in the subway. And He is the Great Comforter even behind prison walls.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
John 14:26
As I look back over my shoulder and realize that my towers are nearly out of sight, I think about our creator, our ingenious creator who has put the Holy Spirit in our heart so that He is never out of touch, never out of reach. The indwelling Holy Spirit, with us always. I feel comfort, peace, joy, as I walk through the park. I thank God for giving me such a beautiful creation as earth to live and call home in this life under the sun.
And as I turn to trace my footsteps back to hustle and bustle of Central Park West, I smile. God winks at me and I feel His spirit soar through me as He reminds me that no matter where I am, He is with me, always.
“The wise counsel God gives when I’m awake
is confirmed by my sleeping heart.
Day and night I’ll stick with God;
I’ve got a good thing going and I’m not letting go.”
Psalm 16:8
The Message
May blessings abound!
It is beautiful! A gentle reminder to stop and listen for Him ❤
Thank you for the beautiful pictures and the encouraging message. Made my day brighter!