Coming Soon: Wicked Women of the Bible

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One month from today best-selling author Ann Spangler releases her new book Wicked Women of the Bible.

But what in the world does that have to do with me?  Well…

One morning I was surfing through a plethora of emails when Ann Spangler caught my attention. An email for me from Ann Spangler, author of Praying The Names of God, Praying The Names of Jesus, and many other Christian works.

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I know about Ann Spangler because I am a huge fan of her works and her words.  But, why am I receiving an email from her and Zondervan? 

Another God-wink is coming my way. The email was sent to ask me if I would like to be a part of her launch team for her new book Wicked Women of the Bible.


Whaaaaaat? Me?   Yep, me and my little blog that could was asked to join her launch team for her new book! I readily said “yes” and soon afterwards received a lovely letter from her letting me know that for helping with the launch I was to receive a signed copy of her book for myself and TWO signed copies to give away …. to you!

I also received an early copy of the book to read. I have reviewed a few books through my blog, but this is the first pre-release copy I have received. In this case the book is still being finalized and proof positive of this is the index page with page numbers that looks like this:

Wicked Women Contents page

At first I was a little skeptical about the title.  I didn’t know if I “liked” the wicked part.  Especially since I was reading about Eve, and Sarah, and Naomi and Ruth.  But as I read through the book the title and her thoughts behind it have become very clear to me. She has done a remarkable job of writing stories based on facts within the Bible and then adding her own creative story line to fill in the details. I have been totally captivated by the women she has chosen to write about.

The book will be released on September 22 but AMAZON is taking pre-orders now.  Click HERE to check out the preorders.

Click on the picture to check out the link to more information and I’ll be writing more as the book release gets closer.

wicked women

Happy Reading (soon!)


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2 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Wicked Women of the Bible”

  1. Wow! Congrats! Sounds like a great read. Always love reading about women of the Bible, great way to learn!

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