Edible Nashville Farm Dinner

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On October 21st I was privileged to participate in Edible Nashville‘s second Farm Dinner.  It was a gorgeous, picture perfect day to appreciate the untainted countryside at Katharos Farm in Columbia Tennesee.

I was invited to help with this fantastic feast because I had emailed the editor, Jill Melton, about possible opportunities with the magazine.  She told me about the Farm Dinner coming up and I was ecstatic to be a part.  I love events like this, and honestly, I would rather be on the serving side than the guest side.  It’s just so rewarding to see all the work that goes on behind the scenes.  I always appreciate things so much more when I get to be a part of putting it together.

However, as I drove to the farm, I found myself getting nervous.  I didn’t truly know anyone who would be there.  But when I neared the event, I became overwhelmed by the beautiful rolling hills and immaculate homes that so perfectly sat on top of them.  The pastures were lined with white fences and vintage barns.  The sun was close to setting and so was my anxiety.

When I finally pulled into the gravel driveway of the farm, I was instructed where to park and followed the signs to the event.

I was taken aback when I cleared the trees and was greeted by the most fanciful table setting display I think I have ever seen.  It was whimsical and romantic.  Like walking into a dream.  I had to take several pictures of the table before I was capable of moving on to anything else.

Eventually, I got around to meeting the other volunteers and exploring the local wine, coffee, and pottery vendors.

Whole Foods catered the event complete with an elaborate charcuterie display.  The menu was four courses of fresh, local, harmony with nature.

I think everyone was a little stiff when they arrived, but as the meal and fellowship progressed, it felt like family.  It may have been the long, family-style table, or the wine, but I think there’s just something about food that brings people together.

I’m so grateful to have had the privilege to be a part of this gathering put together by some truly amazing people.

I know the pictures are worth all the words I could ever say, so here is a link to more information about the vendors and some professional photos of the Edible Nashville Farm Dinner.

Till next time,

Abby Hughes

P.S. I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween as much as I did!

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