Eggs, Buns and Muffins Popular Recipes

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I am having fun taking a look back at some of my favorite and most viewed recipes.  If you are a new reader I hope you are enjoying these recipes as well.  If you have been with me from the beginning … maybe some of these recipes have become your favorites too!

When I was an innkeeper at Walnut Grove Bed and Breakfast I found this recipe for Overnight Egg, Sausage and Cheese Casserole in a cookbook featuring Colorado B&B’s.  It was a win-win because our guests loved it and I enjoyed making it the night before and baking it early in the morning.  Along with the gourmet coffee made by my Chief Innkeeper and hubby, the fragrance from this casserole sent out the early morning message “breakfast is ready!”  This recipe has received 11,069 views since I posted it.

single egg casserole
Btw – you can download my Friends and Family Cookbook for FREE!  Click on the Cookbook tab for directions.

hamburger buns baked
Coming in at 10,770  views to date, is a anybody-can-do-it recipe for 40-minute Homemade Hamburger Buns.  When I first saw this recipe I declared “there is no way!”  Making a liar out of myself — I have made them many times since then and they are wonderful.

hamburger buns plated
I’ve used them to make a stellar sandwich on a luncheon table and we have also eaten them slathered in butter as a dinner roll.  If you aren’t accomplished with yeast rolls, this is a good place to start!

applesauce cran coffee cake
My last recipe for today, Apple Sauce Bran Muffin has garnered 9,415 views. This is a SHARE recipe from my neighbor Gaye.  On a regular basis I will hear the door bell ring and standing there is Gaye with a plateful, potful, or casserole ready to eat.  The most amazing woman of generosity I think I have ever known.

This recipe reminds me that my sous-chef dish-washing mom loves muffins and I need to crack open a jar of homemade applesauce and make some of these for her!  Your kids and grandkids will love these too, especially as a surprise during this summer break. (Just sayin.)  They are tasty with or without a frosting glaze.

The strike of our clock tells me it is time to sign off for today.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;  The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’  Numbers 6:24-26

Happy Baking!





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