He Is Risen! Happy Easter

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The very best days of my life are the ones that I start out with time reading The Word of God.  When I went to bed last night the TV news was filled with stories of violence, storms, and unrest all over the world.

But first thing this morning I read Zechariah 2:8 which says we are so beloved by God that we are the apple of his eye and anyone who touches us touches the apple of HIS eye!  In verse 9 God promises to shake his hand ( protect, a gesture of militant opposition) against those who oppose his children.  This gives me great comfort to be reminded my God is in control!

2 Timothy 3:16 tells me that the whole Bible is God’s final authority for life and ministry.  The very words are God-breathed.  This also gives me comfort and strength to know that as I read and follow this guide book I will be walking in the very will of God.

I pray for you today, this Easter weekend, and all the days of the future that you too will find solace in reading God’s word, being in fellowship with Him, and living your purpose in this life under the sun.

God Bless You and Happy Easter,

2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

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4 thoughts on “He Is Risen! Happy Easter”

  1. I look forward to your message each morning. I agree that the most important thing we can do each day is to set time apart to spend in His Word and in prayer. What a privilege and He gave His very life so that we might have that privilege!!! The most important time Christians can celebrate is Easter!! Not only did He die for our sins but He was resurrected that we might have eternal life through Him. Thank you sweet Jesus!!

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