Key Lime Cookies or What Goes Around Comes Around!

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Key Lime Cookies
Once upon a time we were sitting at a big oval table festively decorated for Thanksgiving.  The honored guests that day included friends and family.  After eating ourselves silly with roasted turkey, baked, ham, and all the trimmings I proudly began to serve the homemade pies that my sous-chef dish-washing mom had lovingly slaved over the day before.  There was the southern favorite pecan pie, the family favorite fresh pumpkin pie, and a chocolate chip and walnut pie for those chocolate lovers at the table.

After just a bite or two, our Aunt Mattie Lou exclaimed “Alice! This is the best pie crust I have ever tasted — you must give me the recipe!”  It was at that very moment that I shot my mother a knowing glance.  Without a word my look said, “don’t say a word, just let it go … ignore the request.”  Mattie Lou persisted raving about the pie.  Mother squirmed in her chair staring down at her plate. In the end other conversation took the pressure off and the pie crust wasn’t mentioned again.

refrigerated-pie-crustThe truth is, mom makes great pie crust.  However, this particular Thanksgiving we opted to hit the easy button and use our favorite easy pie crust.

Sprinkled Key Lime
Fast forward to October 2013.  I returned home from our Alaskan cruise bringing with me — the flu!  It was during my recovery week we received a lovely care package of Key Lime cookies from one of our Community Bible Study friends.  I will confess, it was very timely because the Chief and my sous-chef dish-washing mom had just about enough of light meals, no dessert, and my napping all day long!

The key lime cookies were just packed with tart and sweet flavor in every bite.  I knew I just had to have the recipe.  I asked my friend for the recipe.  They said, “I will give it to you, but it isn’t what you are expecting.”

Key Lime Mix
I didn’t understand what that meant until I was handed a grocery bag complete with a box of cookie mix and a can of frosting, “you know I like to bake, but this is my favorite way to do it!”

Key Lime Ingredients
I understood completely.  AND we got another batch of cookies out of the deal.  The Chief and my sous-chef dish-washing mom were thrilled I had “gotten the recipe”!

As we are quickly approaching the holiday season, filled with pressures inside the kitchen and out,  I highly recommend this is the time of year to hit the easy button.  Don’t be hard on yourself. Everything does not need to have that homemade stamp on it.  If you have time to start from scratch, great. If you don’t, that is okay too.

Many blessings and happy baking!

Thanksgiving_7We Give Thanks

Our Father in Heaven,
We give thanks for the pleasure
Of gathering together for this occasion.
We give thanks for this food
Prepared by loving hands.
We give thanks for life,
The freedom to enjoy it all
And all other blessings.
As we partake of this food,
We pray for health and strength
To carry on and try to live as You would have us.
This we ask in the name of Christ,
Our Heavenly Father.

– Harry Jewell


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