A Walk Through The Bible In One Year
Bringing the Story to Life
Week 8 reading plan per day:
Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.
Monday (Numbers 18-20) Tuesday (Numbers 21-22)
Wednesday (Numbers 23-25) Thursday (Numbers 26-27)
Friday (Numbers 28-30) Saturday (Numbers 31-33)
Sunday (Numbers 34-36)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The previous week all the weather reports for southern California have been “heavy rain ahead – high winds – worst winter storm of the season – advisory –advisory – advisory.” And so it goes, you can train and train to run a marathon but in the end the weather will be the wild card. Unpredictable.
The weekend arrived and on St. Patrick’s Day just as predicted, a heavy winter storm blew across California bringing high winds, torrential rain, and a knot in the ball of my stomach. I wasn’t running in the L.A. Marathon on Sunday, but my beloved and his son and daughter-in-law were. It is an interesting phenomenon about loving someone. In that love we want the very, very best for them in all scenarios. And when it isn’t going to be perfect we take on that heavy cloak of worry and knots in our stomach.
4 a.m. Runners across southern California are making their way to Dodger Stadium to begin to run at 7:24 a.m. The weather forecast … showers, clouds, high winds. Cold weather running gear – check. Cell phone in a plastic bag – check. Rain attire – check.
6:59 a.m. Sunrise. SUN rise! Partly cloudy but mostly blue sunrise. Cool temperatures, windy, no rain.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
5+ hours later our loved ones crossed the finish line. No injuries and everyone still standing. That is the miracle we hoped for 🙂
Here are a couple pictures from Sunday. I had envisioned that I would be at the finish with my camera just waiting for that perfect shot as my family members triumphantly runs across the line. I am a small town girl from Nebraska with absolutely no concept of what it is like to be at the finish line of a race with 23,000+ people running and walking. Add an average of 4 family members or friends per runner and all the sudden the finish line doesn’t look quite the same. As it was, no one gets near the finish line except the paid photographers who are going to get the perfect shot! In the meantime, I can stand in the crowd, five people deep, back from the fence line, hoping and praying I see my beloved run across the line. I didn’t. 🙁 These are after-the-fact pictures.
Lee and our daughter-in-law Eileen.
Our marathoners with mom and I.
Lee’s son Bryan and Eileen relaxing in our hotel room after the race! Thanking God for the safe run and beautiful day.
Oh … are you looking for the Mountain Dew and Dorito Cupcake recipe? Thanks to my friend Chuck who keeps an eye on the unusual … and then some. He sent this to me via Facebook. Turns out there is a bakery in Orlando, Florida that made these famous or infamous, depending on your tastebuds 🙂 No recipe, just the feast for your eyes, brought to us by none other than the funny guy, Tosh.O.
You can check out Chuck’s blog at Chuck’s World.
Blessings and Happy Cooking!
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Good job Cathy! I keep wondering about the recipe for those cupcakes, but who am I kidding? I’d never bake them, but I’d love to try one!
Oh if I had the recipe I would buy a big bag of Doritos, a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, make the cupcakes, use a few Doritos (eat the rest), use 1 can of Mt. Dew (drink the rest) and THEN eat the cupcakes. I have issues. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog and keeping me in mind for these fabulous finds!