Mom’s Fruit Salad

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Walk Through The Bible In One Year
Week 13 reading plan per day

Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.
Monday 1 Samuel 1-4, Tues 1 Samuel 5-10, Wed 1 Samuel 11-14,
Thursday 1 Samuel 15-17, Friday 1 Samuel 18-21,
Saturday Samuel 22-25, Sunday 1 Samuel 26-31
Blessings as you read!

Many years ago my mom starting making a recipe simply called Fruit Salad.  Today I call it Mom’s Fruit Salad because that is what I know it as.  I will say, “do you want to make your fruit salad?” and she knows exactly what I mean.

This is the fruit salad that graces our table at holidays, birthdays and special occasions.  Most generally it will show up in mom’s most precious crystal bowl.  It is the bowl that was a wedding gift and matches her set of crystal circa 1952.

The recipe originated from the Nebraska Methodist Hospital Family Cookbook, 1979, page 42, FRUIT SALAD  provided by Carolyn Greunke, Arlington, NE.  Nebraska Methodist Hospital is where both my brother Mike, and his wife Kay, went to nurse’s training.  Mom bought the book (probably supporting a fundraiser 🙂 during that time. What makes this particular fruit salad blog worthy, is that while at first glance it is just another jello salad, the truth is this is so creamy with a strong flavor of fruit that it definitely won’t be mistaken for Jello!  It works well as either salad or dessert.  The Tapioca pudding mix provides the creaminess while pineapple, Mandarin oranges and Tang provide the fabulous flavor.  Before serving, top it off with bananas and the combination is magic!

Many Blessings and Happy Cooking!
Mom’s Fruit Salad
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Creamier than any jello salad you have ever had and tastier than most fruit salads. The combination of creamy and flavorful makes this a wonderful salad or dessert.
Serves: 8
  • 2 Boxes Tapioca Pudding Mix
  • 1 small Can Pineapple Tidbits
  • 1 small Can Mandarin oranges
  • ¼ cup Water
  • 1 Envelope Knox gelatine
  • ¼ cup Tang
  1. Drain oranges and pineapple saving juice. Add enough water to the juice to make 3 cups. Mix with pudding and cook for 1 minute after it comes to a boil.
  2. Mix together ¼ cup water, Knox gelatine and Tang. Add to hot pudding, mix all together. Set bowl in ice water to cool quickly.
  3. When cool, add pineapple and oranges. Bananas can be added now, or just prior to serving. Chill to set.

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