My Thankful Heart

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Driving into town the other day this sign caught my attention.  On my way home I stopped and clicked a quick picture.  Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.

A few years ago I read a book by  Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth  titled Attitude of Gratitude.  I attended a Bible Study that used this book for the basis of having a heart of gratitude.  Nancy writes:

“After more than two decades of ministry to hurting people, I have come to believe that a failure to give thanks is at the heart of much, if not most, of the sense of gloom, despair, and despondency that is so pervasive even among believers today. Furthermore, many of the sins that are plaguing and devastating our society can be traced back to the oft-undetected root of unthankfulness.

The “attitude of gratitude” is something that desperately needs to be cultivated in our hearts, our homes, and our society. Its presence brings a host of other blessings, while its absence has profound, lethal repercussions.”

It seems that people think that gratitude follows happiness. But my experience tells me it is just the opposite – being thankful makes you happy!

Here are a couple of suggestions for ways to become more grateful.

Start the day giving God praise and thanksgiving.  You can make it simple – He doesn’t mind simple at all!  Father God, I am so grateful for the good night’s rest.  I am thankful for the warmth and comfort I am waking up to.  I am thankful that no matter what this day holds for me, you are with me.  Amen. Simple but powerful start to your day.

Keep a gratitude journal. Each day write down several things you are grateful for.  Research shows this one small practice can make you feel more optimistic and better about your life!

Write a thank you note.  This is powerful.  Sending a thank you note to someone who least expects it will bring you a sense of gratefulness, satisfaction, and joy knowing you will be surprising someone with the note.

Make a phone call or send a text or an email saying “thank you” to someone who has blessed you.  Or send a message to say “thinking of you” to someone you want to bless.  The real blessing will be yours as you feel joy for this simple act of kindness.

Another idea I read this week is to “take inventory”.  Get a piece of paper and write – yes, handwrite! – a list of everything that makes you happy, from the little (for me really fizzy water) to the large like cuddling with someone you love!  And then once a day do something off the list.  Be grateful, be happy!

I am grateful to you!  I am grateful you take time to stop by our blog and especially leave comments and cheer us on!

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving each and every day.
~ Blessings, Catherine



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5 thoughts on “My Thankful Heart”

  1. Love this,such a great reminder to HE doesn’t care if our thanksgiving is simple. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I am so thankful for your friendship, and I sure do miss you! I love your blog and all of your wisdom!

  3. Wow what a message about being thankful and I agree with it 100%. Thank you for sharing Catherine! Love your blog!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. What a blessing it is to conclude my quiet time with the Lord reading your blog! I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion. I have chronic joint and back pain, but I am SO thankful to still be able to host Thanksgiving dinner in my home and most of all to be up on two feet and legs and not in a wheelchair! Praise. Happy Thanksgiving


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