Top Posts for 2017

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It is not my nature to spend a lot of time looking back.  I love the present and always get excited about the future.  But today, the last day of 2017 I think it is appropriate to look back to the top blog posts of the year.  This list is based on top views for 2017.

Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts takes the top honor again this year with 97, 184 views this year.

Oh my goodness, this is a great recipe and others think so too!

Second place honors with 26, 306 views goes to Easy (And Delicious) Homemade Chicken and Noodles!

This recipe caused a little stir this year when a reader pointed out I wasn’t using “homemade noodles.”  I corrected the error and quickly included my favorite homemade noodle recipe along with the post featuring store-bought Amish noodles!  From my midwest roots, we always serve chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes.

Pickled Vegetable Sandwich Slaw

Third place weighs in at 25,152 views for this Picked Vegetable Sandwich Slaw. This is a surprise for me.  I first posted this recipe in 2013.   I know it is an awesome addition to any sandwich or hotdog and apparently, now there are a few others that think so too!

It is no surprise to me that the Cheese Frenchee holds the 4th place of honor.  This recipe is a walk down memory lane from my childhood. Growing up in Nebraska Cheese Frenchees were available at Kings Restaurant.

I asked my sister-in-law, Jeanne, where she still eats them these days in Nebraska. She immediately responded with all kinds of information including this picture!

9 Can Vegetable Soup

9 Can Vegetable Soup comes in at number 5 most viewed posts for the year.  If time prevails homemade vegetable soup can’t be beaten, but having said that, this is an amazing blend of flavors that never gives away the simplicity of the recipe!

Scripture Cake rounds out the top 6 most viewed recipes for the year.   This is a recipe I adapted from one I found on the internet in 2013.  It’s a fun recipe to make for a group and then put them to the test of Bible knowledge to come up with the ingredients!

In 2017 I have had the extreme honor and blessing to step into a new role at Community Bible Study.  As an Area Director in middle Tennessee, I am privileged to walk beside 3 middle Tennessee classes and shepherd their Servant Teams.  This probably sounds like strange lingo to anyone not familiar with Community Bible Study.  But suffice it to say that in-depth Bible study has transformed my life and the more I study the closer I walk with God.  In-depth Bible study brings the character of God alive and truly allows for a personal relationship to develop.

The Mission of CBS is: To make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.”  

For all the new year’s resolutions people make, studying the Bible and having a truly meaningful relationship with our Creator is the one change that can and will affect all others.  One resolution that is worth keeping!

It is my prayer for 2018 that I become even more intentional in discovering the plans the Lord has for me.  My prayer is also that you will discover the joy waiting for you as you get to know God personally.  If you do not know how to get started or make this happen, send me an email through the Contact link and I would love to share with you.

Having Abby Hughes join My Daily Bread Body and Soul this year has been a wonderful blessing! From both of us, we wish you a Happy New Year and a wonderful and joyful 2018!


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