Tuesdays With Dorie: Semolina Bread

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Walk Through The Bible In One Year
Week 25 reading plan Psalm 119 through 150
Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.

Monday Psalm 119:1-88, Tuesday Psalm 119:89-176,
Wednesday Psalm 120-125, Thursday Psalm 126-132,
Friday Psalm 133-139, Saturday Psalm 140-145,
Sunday Psalm 146-150.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NIV

It’s Tuesdays With Dorie.  That usually means I join some 400+ other bakers and whip up a fun and awesome recipe from Dorie Greenspan’s book, Baking With Julia.  The recipes in the book are based on the PBS series hosted by Julia Child.  Baking with Julia presents an extraordinary assemblage of talent, knowledge, and artistry from the new generation of bakers whose vision is so much a part of this book. The list of contributors reads like a Who’s Who of today’s master bakers, including Flo Braker, Steve Sullivan, Marcel Desaulniers,  Alice Medrich, Nancy Silverton, Martha Stewart, including Nick Malgieri, who is the contributing Baker for this week’s Semolina Bread.
Semolina bread features semolina flour, typically associated with Italian baking because semolina flour is milled from durum wheat, the flour used to make pasta.  Unfortunately you won’t find even one picture from me.  I looked at Kroger’s, I stopped by two different Wal-mart Super Stores, a health food store, and even a Food Lion.  No semolina.  “Check out Whole Foods” is what I was told repeatedly.  Okay, I love shopping at Whole Foods.  And no matter how much I love Baking With Julia and all my Tuesday With Dorie friends, I am not driving 71.6 miles to buy semolina flour.  Where in the world do I live?  In a hole or something?

Carmen to the rescue!  These beautiful pictures comes from the Semolina Bread baked by Carmen of Baking Is My Zen.  Please check out her beautiful blog for this and other incredible recipes and pictures!  Thank you Carmen for sharing with us this week.
The hosts for this week are Renee from The Way to My Family’s Heart , who made an awesome looking Rosemary Semolina, and Anna from Keep It Luce.  They will be sharing their experience as well as the Semolina Bread recipe.

Now for true confessions…

The thought did cross my mind that I could substitute a picture or two from my own previously baked Italian Herb Bread, sans the semolina flour.

The recipes are very similar — except for the semolina flour.  But that just wouldn’t have been nice of me.  So, I decided to sit this one out.  As a matter of fact, this herb bread is so good I think I will make it again this week and serve with some Chicken Alfredo and maybe even an Italian dessert of some kind 🙂  Hmmmm.

Tuesday, July 31st, good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I will be sharing Blueberry Nectarine Pie … straight out of Dorie’s book, Baking With Julia!

~ Blessings, Catherine

P.S.  Click HERE for Herb Bread recipe.

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6 thoughts on “Tuesdays With Dorie: Semolina Bread”

  1. The herb bread looks good.
    I am surprised that Food Lion or Kroeger didn’t carry any semolina – maybe it’s a regional thing, because up here even a lot of the smaller grocery chains carry it.

    • I know that Kroger has had Semolina in the past as I have bought it there. But I went to two different Kroger stores and neither one had it 🙁 Turned out though because yesterday I made my herb bread recipe again and we have feasted on it — having forgotten just how good it is! Thanks for stopping by.

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