Weekend RoundUP August 18, 2012

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August 18?  Really?  Whew.  Are the kids back in school? Are they getting ready to go?  Are you ready?  Is the summer over way too fast?  Are you feeling just like this too?  I have had a wild ride this week.  Do you remember earlier in the week when I told you I was making Iced Coffee for my friend Susan?  Well, I did deliver the coffee to her on Tuesday and she was thrilled.  But before she could even cool off with the first sip, early Wednesday morning she fell and severely broke her leg in two places.  This changed any plans either one of us had for the rest of the week 🙁  I am happy to report she has been through surgery and is moving to a rehab center for care and convalescence. The activities of this week are a strong reminder to me to be thankful each and every day for mobility.   To be able to get up and go — without assistance. To move freely — without pain.  It is such simple things we take for granted and I am reminded to thank the Lord for the simple things, when taken away are not so simple at all.
Speaking of the simple … have you ever had fried peaches?  I haven’t.  But oh how I would like to taste these with their little pot of honey vanilla dip!  One of my favorite bloggers can be found at 3 Quarters Today.  She is known as “ndjmom.” Her website includes beautiful photographs, and an ABOUT page that starts out like this, “I sit in the middle of the country in Nebraska, but have a world wide view on life.”  NEBRASKA! I  am a Nebraskan born and raised, transplanted to the south some years ago!  When I view many of her photos I am instantly transported back to my childhood to the corn fields of central Nebraska where I grew up and that I still love so much!  She is from Connecticut, lived in Oklahoma and now resides in Nebraska.  Having lived coast-to-coat, I get that.  Yesterday as I was making a quick search of some of my favorite blogs I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this picture called FRIED PEACHES.  Now, you know in the south we fry EVERYTHING from Oreos to pickles to Snickers.  But we aren’t the only ones —  Ndjmom says that these taste just liked Peach Pie.  I’m NOT going to make these — but I sure want to. 🙂 I hope you will find time to visit ndjmom for yourself.

This coming week is Tuesdays With Dorie: Baking With Julia.  We celebrated what would have been Julia Child’s 100th birthday this past week and I can’t wait to share POPOVERS with you this coming Tuesday.

In the meantime, have a blessed weekend and enjoy some summer sun as we look to the last half of August!

~Blessings, Catherine


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4 thoughts on “Weekend RoundUP August 18, 2012”

  1. Amen to your post on “the simple things,” mobility being one of them! We ALL take SO many things for granted … so … Thank you, Lord, for the many, many blessings we FORGET to thank you for! And thank you, Catherine, for the reminder!

  2. I’m soooo honored to have been featured on your blog. When I started the journey of blogging I just hoped I would either write or post something that would inspire. It’s nice to know you thought enough to share my space with others.

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