When there is a holiday in the middle of the week I get so messed up! I lose time, days runs together and all of a sudden the weekend is here! I drove down the road through Lynchburg today (made famous by the “hometown ingredient” also known as Jack Daniels) and by the look of the cars, motor homes, and motor cycles, summer vacation is into full swing! The JD parking lot was full to over-flowing and it was 101 degrees in the shade! Back at home we were finishing the week of with some awesome smoked pulled-pork given to us hot-off-the smoker by our neighbors, Kevin and Kathy. Kevin is an expert when it comes to running meat through his smoker. We are blessed to have such great neighbors!
Okay, seems too easy right? Cook the corn in the microwave for 4 minutes. I did 3 ears, 12 minutes. I was finishing up the rest of dinner so the time went fast.
Shake off the husk, holding the silk and husk tight. Voila’! Perfectly shucked corn — not one silk to pick off. Here, I’ll show you again …
Cook in microwave 4 minutes per ear, cut off the end. Shake it loose.
I also read a review that you can roast it on the barbecue grill (in the husk) and then cut it, shake it, and it comes out clean. When our fresh corn is ready from the garden I will give it a try and let you know. In the meantime, this really works! How does it taste, you ask? The taste was very good considering I do think the corn was a little old. But the corn was cooked just right.
That’s all the excitement around here for this week! Many blessings for a safe and happy weekend. If you are reading through the Bible with me, we are in the middle of Psalms. I hope the reading is blessing you as much as it is blessing me! ~Catherine
Walk Through The Bible In One Year
Week 23 reading plan Psalm 40 through 80
Click on the colored link to read each day’s scripture.
Monday Psalm 40-46, Tuesday Psalm 47-54,
Wednesday Psalm 55-61, Thursday Psalm 62-68,
Friday Psalm 69-73, Saturday Psalm 74-77,
Sunday Psalm 78-80
Thank you Catherine, I am going to give the grill a try. I honestly should give Weight Watchers a try also 🙂
Catherine, thanks for sharing this tip about corn!
Heard about it in a Weight Watchers class! Works on the grill too!