Wicked Women of the BIBLE Book Review

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ann-image Ann Spangler is an award-winning writer and the author of many bestselling books.*  After using her book Praying The Names of God   for a leadership study in Community Bible Study last year, I am thrilled with the opportunity to read Wicked Women of the BIBLE and take part in the launch of the book.  (Click HERE to see how to win a signed copy of this new book.)

However, as I read down through the chapter list of the 20 women of the BIBLE she chose to write about I immediately got defensive thinking about some of my own heroines.  How could she possibly associate the word wicked with the likes of Deborah, Ruth, Abigail and one of my favorites, Esther?

Luckily for me it wasn’t too far into this anointed page-turner that I found these definitions:
WICKED: 1. Morally very bad. EVIL. 2. A Fierce, Vicious <a dog> …
She continues on with the Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary with the rest of the well-known definition.

BUT then, from The Online Slang Dictionary she includes:
WICKED: very, very good, excellent, extremely, in a grand way; “cool”; “awesome”. As in that concert was wicked!

Ann Spangler Eve Author Ann Spangler uses these two definitions to creatively weave details into the stories of 20 women of the BIBLE to give us a better understanding of these women and the lives they lived. Under her pen the story of each woman from ancient times comes alive as they mirror the stories and lives of women today.  Wicked lies, wicked disguise, wicked girlfriend, to a wicked predicament, each life story has a lesson for women and men of our times.

Ann Spangler Delilah At the end of each woman’s story, Ann provides a historical account of the times surrounding that woman’s life.  Following this historical information each chapter concludes with what Ann calls The Takeaway.  It has become popular for authors today to write books such as this one in a way designed for a small group study.  This is where she has included more information in the form of questions to be used as a study guide. I found the questions at the end of each chapter perfect springboards for more study and discussion.

Ann Spangler’s deep knowledge, research and understanding of the BIBLE becomes very clear as she backs up the stories with scripture and historical data.  Her creative sense of humor shines through each story from the chapter titled Wicked Old, How a Ninety-Year-Old Got Pregnant and Set Tongues Wagging to my favorite Wicked Funny, How a Good Queen Gets the Last Laugh.  In her introduction she writes, “One of the things that makes Scripture so believable is that these unsavory stories remain part of it.  In truth, the Bible never attempts to clean up the stories or whitewash its characters.”  Using that truth,  Ann is able to bring to us the lessons revealed through the lives of the wicked evil and the wicked good.

My heart ached as I read Wicked Lies and the story of Eve.  And I laughed right out loud when reading about Sarah and how she was filled with non-stop laughter marveling of her pregnancy after 9 decades of life.  Ann writes, “Who wouldn’t find that funny?  Two old sticks kindling a fire!”  Can you just imagine?

I give this book 5 stars because I want you to read it.  Use this book for a small group study.  The message from the lives of these women is as relevant today as it was when they lived.  Their God is our God and He wants to be as active in our lives as He was in theirs.  While the book as a Bible study may appeal more to women than men, by the nature of the title, don’t let it fool you.  Through these wicked women God has much to teach men and women today.

Thank you Ann for your anointed writing.  Thank you for spending the time in prayer, research, and dedication needed to write such a book as this.  May the God and Eve, Sarah, Naomi, and Mary pour out His blessing on you and your family.

Happy Reading,

*  Ann Spangler is an award-winning writer and the author of many bestselling books, including Praying the Names of God, Praying the Names of Jesus, and The One Year Devotions for Women.  She is also coauthor of Women of the Bible and Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus and the general editor of the Names of God Bible.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest, personal, book review.

(You still have time to sign up to win a signed copy of Wicked Women of the Bible.  Click HERE to see how to win a copy of this new book.)

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